Sunday, April 19, 2015

Nicki Minaj on Career

I read a "Do's and Don'ts" Article in glamour magazine.  It was from Nicki Minaj, a boss women I've grown to respect over the years.  I love that she is unapologetic and she keeps making boss moves!

I remember walking into Kmart and seeing her clothing line sprawled across the clothing racks.  I was impressed.  I don't shop in Kmart much, but I loved that she catered to her fan base and didn't over price.  That was a boss move!  Like Jay Z, she moves in silence. So, I'm watching her.  I'm expecting to see bigger moves made from her.  

I can learn a few thangs from Nicki.  

Preparation mode...

(Excerpt from Glamour Magazine)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My Work on TV!

I'm excited!!!! 

Season 2 of The Positive Controversy with host Kristen Pope; a show that I am directing and producing, has a new home!  And it's on TV! 

Focus Broadcast Network has licensed ten episodes of the show and along with airing on TV, it will stream online and on video of demand!  Hardwork really pays off! 

As a director I couldn't be more proud of this.  I remember so recently praying to God about wanting to brand myself as a director and writer more so than a producer.  The shift in my career is taking place.  I literally feel it unfolding right before my eyes.  A few months ago as the year approaches, I declared that my work as a director be shown on TV and BAM! 

I thank God for answering my prayers. He has been constantly reminding me that all I need is to trust Him to make my name great and to not put my trust in networks or companies or anyone else! So I did.  The moment I looked to Him and kept my eyes on him is when I began to see a change.  I continue to seek him concerning my career.  Boy am I ever grateful for his blessings and answered prayer! 

Stay tuned for season 2 of The Positive Controversy talkshow! 

Check out these pics from the set of The Positive Controversy! 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

On My Dreams Coming to Fruition...

I'm waiting patiently; believing! All that I'm dreaming for will happen.

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