Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The New Suzy's DREAMGIRL and an excerpt from my book....STAY TUNED.

Boy was I shocked to see a blog today from Suzy Black's Dreamgirl blog (sexy lingerie for the Christian married woman) with a pic of my face on it! It totally surprised me!  But, The New Suzy is full of sexy surprises so I should have seen it coming!

 So... I am sharing with you and announcing at the same time..."I am coming out with a relationship book!  AHHHH!!!!  That's right! I said it, a relationship book.  I wouldn't call myself a relationship guru, well...maybe I would...but, I know I have sure been through enough ups and downs to know a few things.  And, what I haven't gone through, I have plenty of friends both men and women, who have gone through hell, and I was there to help them during their crisis and back to earth!  lol.

#TheyALLComeBack, my book is all about break-ups, the dating game, and how to keep a relationship TURNT UP!  Lol.

I guess now the cat's out of the bag!

Oh, and "STAY TUNED!"  I just might need your input!

Check out the DREAMGIRL blog and an excerpt (TIP) from my book titled "Just Because."

SUZY BLACK - DREAM GIRL - "Just Because"

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Women Have To BREAK Down Doors!

This blog post was worth a repost! As a female director, I seek for more opportunities to express myself and my viewpoints creatively.  But the truth is, there aren't many given to women!  What does this mean for me you ask? This means I have to BREAK DOWN DOORS TO GET THROUGH.  I will kick them in, climb through windows and event open some doors and walk on through.  But, I'm getting through! 

"There is no lack of female directors. Repeat after me: THERE IS NO LACK OF FEMALE DIRECTORS. But there is a huge lack of people willing to give female directors opportunities. I swear, if anyone near me even so much as whispers the sentence "Women probably don't want to direct," my fist will fly as a reflex action."

By Lexi Alexander | Indiewire

Monday, November 3, 2014

Are Reality Stars "Victims" of Exploitation or are They Truly Unaware?

I recently read a post by Reality TV Executive Producer, Tracey Baker-Simmons (producer of The Houstons, and Being Bobby Brown); a women I have grown to admire and respect in the business! 

She writes about reality TV stars, and in my opinion, forces the viewer to differentiate between reality TV producers who "exploit" people's lives in a negative way and the individuals who are truly unaware of their fatal flaws until exposed on camera.  I think she makes very valid points and this article is something future reality TV producers should read and certainly the viewers to gain a different perspective.  What are your thoughts? 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Check out my latest interview on ABC's Here and Now show

I'm feeling  very blessed!  God is allowing me to spread the word about the current film I am directing/producing and at the same time I'm doing His work; helping to bring healing and light to pain and darkness.  I'm #grateful.

Here is the interview here: 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Win prizes and be a guest on The Positive Controversy!

Hi Friends and Fam! 

Wanna win prizes? Then join the challenge!  

Then Catch up on our show, The Positive Controversy and be prepared to answer questions to win!

Watch to find out what Kristen L. Pope and the panel  of guests had to say about Kanye, Macklemore, Kendrick Lamar and more! Watch all of season 1's 6 episodes!  Lastly, stay tuned to see how you can be a special guest on our show! 


Friday, August 15, 2014

Pushing Past Overwhelmingness - Words of Wisdom From a Few Ambitious Women

Can there be LIFE BALANCE?
I have been feeling overwhelmed for a while now; about 2-3 months now.  I believed its because I had too many things going on all at once. During this time I'd think, Well, how does Tyler Perry, Oprah and Shonda Rhimes do everything that they do?  These three are my models; my benchmarks.  I stressed myself to find a way to push past the overpowering feeling of overwhelmingness.  After 2 vacations I still felt overwhelmed and became very unproductive.  I tried listening to inspirational messages from TD Jake's series on "Instinct" and they were good.  Very Good.  Admittedly, they inspired me and that feeling lasted for 2-3 hours after listening to them.  So I prayed.  It wasn't until this past Wednesday that I felt a change leading me back to my normal passionate grind and hustle.  Every Wednesday, I and 3 other very motivated and driven women lead an 1 hour "Girltalk" on Twitter.  I realize that I'd been chosen to lead the chat and that the topic was "The Balancing Act: How to Balance it All!"  "Who? Me?  Why would the group choose me for this topic?  I am not the person to have this conversation with a bunch of driven ambitious women.  I don't even know what probing questions to ask? Grrr"
Disclaimer:  I am not usually a person who is unproductive.  I get's things done! Usually, I can work 8 hours, love my husband, teach my kid math, reading, and do an art project, then cook a 3 course dinner, wash and fold 2 loads of clothes, workout, take a few phone calls for leisure, write pages of a script, take a prayer call, then put my son to bed, after bathing and reading him a book.  People have wondered how I get so much done in the day! I believe God stops time for about 4 hours each day; only for me.   Lately, however, I've felt like I've had only 14 hour days.

Thank God I lead this topic!  This weeks, "Girltalk" really helped.  It was my prayer answered.  It was the very thing I needed to feel re-energized and back on point!  Focused!  I want to share with you a few takeaways that helped to re-focus.  Life Coach, Dee Marshall joined in the chat and really had some words of wisdom about living in Harmony and not balance.  She said, "Until you reverse perpetual cycles of disorder, you will experience failure/defeat!"  In fact, just hearing great words of wisdom from all of the women who joined the chat, helped me to change my daily planning!  Dee Marshall said, "Begin with plan according to HIGHEST priorities and evaluating everything based on my gauge, motive and intention and expected outcome!  In my heart, I know I know to prioritize.  But, what I'd been missing lately is gauging what the highest priority is based on timeline.  My good friend and Women of Power, Kristen Pope said, "Each day presents a new set of challenges.  No day is like the last.  I think where I went wrong is by keeping the same list of priorities and not allowing my highest priority to affect what I did each day.  My priorities were changing based on my timelines but I was not changing.  I was making everything a priority.  I was stressing over what I couldn't finish.  I wasn't getting much sleep because I felt like I should be tackling things on my to do list. I was headed for disaster! What many of the ladies said helped me!

In case you are struggling, you can relate to this.  If not, then at least you can understand where I am coming from.  My biggest takeaway is that we must communicate with like minded people when we are struggling with our dreams and passions.  More than likely, people have been through the same thing and some have found resolutions they can pass on to help you! 


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Where Social Activism Meets Art: My God, The Creator and Me.

You've probably already heard that I am writing/directing a documentary with a dear friend of mine KT Nelson, but if you haven't it's called, Face of Darkness- Journey to Healing.

I always know when I am working on a God project.  He gives me something to do; I mean a really grand idea, that I have absolutely NO experience with.  Then, as I am doing it, seemingly the blind leading the blind...He takes the blinders off and shows me how He has been with me all along, leading me every step of the way through it's creation.  By the end of every milestone, I can take NO credit for the successes.  But, He's so thoughtful, that He allows me to receive the credit, little awards in his honor, that really showcases me and not Him at all.  When I notice what He's done...I just shake my head and smile.  I thank Him for growing me in my creativity, my exposure and enlarging my border.  I thank Him for helping me to become the best creator (in his image and likeness), the best director, and producer, that I can be. 

My process has been interesting.  God always uses my creative abilities and uses them while interestingly mixing them with experiences I've lived through to tell about Him and His goodness.  He's a creator and made me in His image, therefore I create.  I've promised to do His will and therefore I tithe my God given talents to Him and I try to live as a witness for Him!

That's what I've been doing with this project Face of Darkness - Journey to Healing.  The objective was to create a film, yes.  But one that helps to heal, motivate and inspire people through and to God. 

In the video below, my partner and I discuss what drew us to do this project.  Our personal experiences with mental illness and how God is using us to spread his healing love!

Check out the Interview on The Positive Controversy with Kristen Pope.

Black Men: Mental Illness, Depression and Suicide (Episode 3)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Answers to My Prayers are Rarely Delivered in the Packaging I've Imagined

I'm always flabbergasted by God's show of love to me.  I'm equally always amazed by how my prayers are answered.  Answers to my prayers are rarely delivered in the packaging I've imagined they'd come in.   Instead, the big reveal is always one that reminds me that God should receive all the credit and it had nothing to do with me!  In fact, I'm often reminded to stop putting so much trust in people and/or potential hiring authorities...and that He alone will give me the skills and experiences I need and more, if I just trust in him for the things I've prayed for.

God has been blessing me to develop in areas that I thought only entertainment/media companies could help me grow in.  Every area that I need to grow in; Directing, Writing and Producing, he has been providing opportunities through what appears to be - randomness.  The opportunities have not come through some major firm either.   NOPE!  They have come through very special people or situations that have presented themselves to me.

God is so funny with his revelations too.  Lately, he's been working on my confidence in the skill-set area.  He is showing me by using random, high-level execs in media, that I didn't think of my skill-set highly enough! 

First, he showed me not long ago when I was preparing my resume for a particular resume, and I asked a friend at NBCU if she thought I should enter "entry level".  She was confused.  She said, you have too much experience to be considered entry level.

"Oh," I thought...

Then, I had an informational interview with one Head of Development to help me figure out the direction I wanted to go, to which he said: "Well, I've never produced or directed anything need to figure out if you want to be and executive in the Matrix or your own Tyler Perry.

Wow...he really put things into perspective for me. "Executive?"  Yes, Executive! After I thought through his words, in dawned on me that in essence, he was saying,  "I can't do what you can do, though I am a head of a development team..." 

Talking about a boost of confidence in directing and producing!

I remembered having a talk with an executive at Nickelodeon and saying, I really want to write and be a show-runner for my own shows.  Then, God recently revealed to me that he has been allowing me to do just that with The Positive Controversy's talk-show with Kristen Pope!  Weekly, I am responsible for helping to come up with story ideas, find talent, pre-production planning, stay within budget, work and organize crews, direct the production and be a story teller in the post-production.  I immediately went to Kristen Pope (Executive Producer and host) to thank her, and make her aware that she'd been a part of God's plan to help me fulfill one of my dreams.  In a million years, I hadn't thought she, the face of Pope Productions would be the one to help me grow as a showrunner and director! GOD!!!

I'm crying right now, because when I think of the goodness of God, and all he is doing for me, in my life and my career...I just want to scream a very loud, "I KNOW IT IS YOU! I GET IT. THANK'S SOOOO MUCH!"

So, I am just going along for this awesome ride, trusting God fully knowing that he is closing and opening doors for me.  Yes closing.  He is closing all the wrong doors.  The ones that will take me off course.

Anyway, as for continued inspiration...

I actually go to a recent show I produced/directed and get my daily fix if I need too!

Feel free to view it if you need a dose of inspiration too by clicking on the link below!

How Dawn Archer Inspires Me!

Love y'all!

Inspirationally yours,

Squeaky Moore

I don't want to be this person! (What keeps a booking talent booking) by Carol Lynn Sher

I liked this article...a good read...especially for talent who are shooting their first job on a BIG set.

What keeps a booking talent booking?

Monday, June 2, 2014

Next Level - Motivation Monday

Every now and again, I like to add post that I've written from my Women of Power 4 Group to my blog because they are pertinent to how I am feeling/living in the moment! On Monday's, we do a #MotivationMonday write up that is meant to inspire us to another level in our beliefs. 

Check out today's quick blurb on going to the next level.  It was inspired by my favorite motivational speaker in this world, Tony Robbins.  Luckily, I have a bomb group of girlfriends who are always pushing me to the next level spiritually, creatively, personally and professionally!!!

CLICK BELOW and be inspired!

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Have you checked out the projects that I am working on?

I am really thrilled about the direction I am taking creatively! Every film project I am on gets better and better!  Creating content has been a long time dream of mine, and now I am living that dream.

Recently, I had a fundraising and awareness event for a documentary that I am co-directing/producing, called Face of Darkness - A Journey to Healing.  The film is centering around mental health and suicide.  I was completely blown back by the success we had at the event.  I felt for the first time that I am really giving back to God! Since, the event, I pray for each and every soul that came out to support!  I pray for their mental health!  I am believing that this film helps to heal many people. I am praying that God use my partners and I creatively to get this very important message across.  I know he fact- it was his idea!

CLICK HERE to watch the Face of Darkness Promo!

You can VIEW pics from the event below! 

90 Day Challenge

A Flower that's blossoming into what God Created me to be!
My group of friends, (Women of power), have me on a 90 Day Challenge! Arghh!  Starting June 1, we are to challenge ourselves to complete our book goals! (There are 4 of us doing this)

Just when I think I am doing all I can, they push me to do more, go a bit higher, push past the invisible barrier that is in my mind!

Yesterday, when they started sending the things they were working on...I felt doubt creep in..."Is 90 days enough?" I thought to myself.  Needless to say, yesterday I didn't send my info into them.  But I did root them on.  Their big ideas were so creative.  I am sure they will be a success once they complete them.

This morning I woke up an listened to TD Jakes' "Transformational Creativity" sermon.  Boy was that message right on time!!! I really needed to push past the barriers of my own mind!  I needed to view myself through a different perspective! God made me to be creative.  He didn't give me all of these ideas for nothing!  So today, I will begin creating my book idea that I have sat with for at least 10 years!

I can't wait to see what the Creator in me has birthed!

See ya on Sept 1!

Monday, March 3, 2014

HOW DO YOU REVIVE YOUR DREAMS: Women of Power 4's - Motivation Monday's


I think LUPITA Nyong'o said it best, "No matter where you're from, your dreams are valid!"

Today, I'd like to motivate you regarding your dreams.


Let's think about that one thing or idea that keeps dropping into your spirit time after, time again. The one thing that you keep putting aside as a haunch or just a thought.  Or maybe it's bigger than, "just a thought" but you have put it off or threw it away because you don't really know how you would make it work.


Honestly, it's very easy to put your dreams away because the idea seems SO BIG, TOO BIG for little ole' you to actually make yourself...

BUT, I would like to encourage you that you really can make it happen, or at least try very hard. Here are a few steps, I think could work to help you revive your dream and put it into action:




And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.



Tony Robbins said CANI works best!  Constant and neverending improvements.  THE WOMEN OF POWER 4, KNOW THAT THIS WORKS WONDERS!





Feel free to follow me and my FRISTA's on Facebook @

Monday, February 24, 2014

What did Don Cornelius, Michael Jackson, Chris Lighty and Lee Thompson have in common?

Find out by watching the Face of Darkness Documentary promo:

I am proud to say that the documentary that I have been working relentlessly on is underway! 

We have a vision of hope, rooted in love, driven by social responsibility. We wanted to help create a positive and open dialog about depression in the African American community? 

Join the fight and share this video on your website, social media platforms and send to everyone you know!  

Sow into this vision and be a part of social change by visiting our campaign page:
No amount is too little to help break the chains of silent suffering. #FaceofDarkness #DepressionAwareness

Watch the promo here!  

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Just imagine...a note from my son's App

I'm riding in the front seat of the car and listening to my son sing the words to a song on one of his apps... I love it! It is catchy and it is timely! Here it is...

If you can imagine it, you can do it...

Start with and idea, and make a good plan...if you need help, just ask a friend.

Don't ever give up, if you feel down...You can do it...try again! 

~Leos Pad

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Acting on the Set of ELEMENTARY

Being on a professional set just reminds me of ALL the reasons I love acting!  I’d strayed for a bit, because I’ve been preoccupied with producing, directing and writing…but there is a JOY that comes with acting…
I love that although I probably have the least amount of lines of all the actors on set, I was treated just as equally as them all.  I love realizing that I have production assistant specifically assigned to me!   I even had a stand in! What!  
Other than the little stuff, this was truly the friendliest cast I’ve ever worked with! They embraced me like I was a LEAD actor on set.  Lucy Liu, Jon Michael Hill and Aidan Quinn conversed with me during almost every down moment.  And the guest star Sean Pertwee was amazingly free spirited.  We discussed everything from where we grew up (Jon and Aidan somehow learned that I was from Chicago- we share hometowns), and Lucy Liu was all about making sure if any pictures were taking of us, that we must have the right amount of light! She knew my pics were going straight to the web!  The director Seith Mann, chatted with me and thanked me a couple of times for being there.  And I just felt like wow, I want to do this ALWAYS! 
Most importantly, I did learn something about acting…something I knew, but it was reinforced, and it needed reinforcing…that is, doing NOTHING on camera is doing SO MUCH! If I were not looking directly at them acting…they appeared to exude almost no energy, barely speaking above whisper.  I kept thinking, what is that looking like on screen?  It seems so dull, but then I looked at the directors monitor…and it was PERFECT…  They WERENT ACTING! And that is the key- that was my lesson…yet again, I realized that sometimes, I’m just doing too much. GRRRR…It is really hard to fight with my Theater background….But I got it…this time, I got it.
Overall, they were a really friendly bunch-the crew and the actors…I watched on as they all just embraced everyone, extras and all.
This is the kind of of set I always want to work on, whether I am running it as a Director/ Producer or acting on it.  

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ups and Downs...Where I chose to focus my energy!

So I had an audition for a TV show that I had literally been praying for for like 6 months at least!!!! Well, I got the audition finally. But, I didn't get the role.  And truthfully, I think I did a pretty good job, but not a GREAT job.  I fumbled over a few words a couple of times during one of the takes.  I recovered from it in the second take.  Still and all, good is good...but GREAT is bigger and better and stands out over just being good. 
Admittedly, I was a bit let down because I didn't book the job. It bothered me for at least 8 hours after learning the news...and I had to tell myself "I decide to invest my energy on the positive"! I immediately begin thanking God for just getting me the interview, if nothing else. 

Anyway, the very next day, I got an audition for another Co-Star role on a different TV show.  I ran into an actor and we somehow started conversing about the auditions-I think he asked me if I had heard about them, so I told him yeah, but that I didn't book the job.  I told him that I was good, but not great.  And he quickly reminded me that, sometimes we are GREAT, but are not RIGHT so not to sweat...and that's fine and all, but in my heart of hearts, I knew I was right for this role, but not GREAT!

Anyway, needless to say, this time I booked the role! I was right for it and I was GREAT at the audition.  I felt it too.

Yay! God is truthfully good. He blessed me with a talent. He gave me an anointing. He gave me favor, and he opened a door for me.

~Squeaky Moore

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Persistence and Faith in Action Go Hand in Hand

A Women of Power friend and I are reading a chapter on Persistence in Think and Grow Rich. Well, I often like to find scriptures that go hand and hand with self-help books.  It's the combination that works as inspiration for me.  I found this scripture that easily pares with the chapter on "Persistence" from a Godly perspective and thought I would share it. It also goes hand and hand with "FaithinAction", a #Girltalk topic that I, and a few friends of mine from my Mastermind Group @womenofpower4 had on Twitter recently. 

Persistence with what we are attempting to do in our careers is a must!  And it will get us far in the world and with God!  We can not just believe alone, we have to DO...ACT on what we want. 
Jesus told them a story showing that it was necessary for them to pray consistently and never quit. He said, “There was once a judge in some city who never gave God a thought and cared nothing for people. A widow in that city kept after him: ‘My rights are being violated. Protect me!’ “He never gave her the time of day. But after this went on and on he said to himself, ‘I care nothing what God thinks, even less what people think. But because this widow won’t quit badgering me, I’d better do something and see that she gets justice—otherwise I’m going to end up beaten black-and-blue by her pounding.’” Then the Master said, “Do you hear what that judge, corrupt as he is, is saying? So what makes you think God won’t step in and work justice for his chosen people, who continue to cry out for help? Won’t he stick up for them? I assure you, he will. He will not drag his feet. But how much of that kind of persistent faith will the Son of Man find on the earth when he returns?” (Luke 18:1-8 MSG)

One Woman, Many Faces, One Actress, Many Talents!

My Blog List