Thursday, July 31, 2014

Where Social Activism Meets Art: My God, The Creator and Me.

You've probably already heard that I am writing/directing a documentary with a dear friend of mine KT Nelson, but if you haven't it's called, Face of Darkness- Journey to Healing.

I always know when I am working on a God project.  He gives me something to do; I mean a really grand idea, that I have absolutely NO experience with.  Then, as I am doing it, seemingly the blind leading the blind...He takes the blinders off and shows me how He has been with me all along, leading me every step of the way through it's creation.  By the end of every milestone, I can take NO credit for the successes.  But, He's so thoughtful, that He allows me to receive the credit, little awards in his honor, that really showcases me and not Him at all.  When I notice what He's done...I just shake my head and smile.  I thank Him for growing me in my creativity, my exposure and enlarging my border.  I thank Him for helping me to become the best creator (in his image and likeness), the best director, and producer, that I can be. 

My process has been interesting.  God always uses my creative abilities and uses them while interestingly mixing them with experiences I've lived through to tell about Him and His goodness.  He's a creator and made me in His image, therefore I create.  I've promised to do His will and therefore I tithe my God given talents to Him and I try to live as a witness for Him!

That's what I've been doing with this project Face of Darkness - Journey to Healing.  The objective was to create a film, yes.  But one that helps to heal, motivate and inspire people through and to God. 

In the video below, my partner and I discuss what drew us to do this project.  Our personal experiences with mental illness and how God is using us to spread his healing love!

Check out the Interview on The Positive Controversy with Kristen Pope.

Black Men: Mental Illness, Depression and Suicide (Episode 3)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Answers to My Prayers are Rarely Delivered in the Packaging I've Imagined

I'm always flabbergasted by God's show of love to me.  I'm equally always amazed by how my prayers are answered.  Answers to my prayers are rarely delivered in the packaging I've imagined they'd come in.   Instead, the big reveal is always one that reminds me that God should receive all the credit and it had nothing to do with me!  In fact, I'm often reminded to stop putting so much trust in people and/or potential hiring authorities...and that He alone will give me the skills and experiences I need and more, if I just trust in him for the things I've prayed for.

God has been blessing me to develop in areas that I thought only entertainment/media companies could help me grow in.  Every area that I need to grow in; Directing, Writing and Producing, he has been providing opportunities through what appears to be - randomness.  The opportunities have not come through some major firm either.   NOPE!  They have come through very special people or situations that have presented themselves to me.

God is so funny with his revelations too.  Lately, he's been working on my confidence in the skill-set area.  He is showing me by using random, high-level execs in media, that I didn't think of my skill-set highly enough! 

First, he showed me not long ago when I was preparing my resume for a particular resume, and I asked a friend at NBCU if she thought I should enter "entry level".  She was confused.  She said, you have too much experience to be considered entry level.

"Oh," I thought...

Then, I had an informational interview with one Head of Development to help me figure out the direction I wanted to go, to which he said: "Well, I've never produced or directed anything need to figure out if you want to be and executive in the Matrix or your own Tyler Perry.

Wow...he really put things into perspective for me. "Executive?"  Yes, Executive! After I thought through his words, in dawned on me that in essence, he was saying,  "I can't do what you can do, though I am a head of a development team..." 

Talking about a boost of confidence in directing and producing!

I remembered having a talk with an executive at Nickelodeon and saying, I really want to write and be a show-runner for my own shows.  Then, God recently revealed to me that he has been allowing me to do just that with The Positive Controversy's talk-show with Kristen Pope!  Weekly, I am responsible for helping to come up with story ideas, find talent, pre-production planning, stay within budget, work and organize crews, direct the production and be a story teller in the post-production.  I immediately went to Kristen Pope (Executive Producer and host) to thank her, and make her aware that she'd been a part of God's plan to help me fulfill one of my dreams.  In a million years, I hadn't thought she, the face of Pope Productions would be the one to help me grow as a showrunner and director! GOD!!!

I'm crying right now, because when I think of the goodness of God, and all he is doing for me, in my life and my career...I just want to scream a very loud, "I KNOW IT IS YOU! I GET IT. THANK'S SOOOO MUCH!"

So, I am just going along for this awesome ride, trusting God fully knowing that he is closing and opening doors for me.  Yes closing.  He is closing all the wrong doors.  The ones that will take me off course.

Anyway, as for continued inspiration...

I actually go to a recent show I produced/directed and get my daily fix if I need too!

Feel free to view it if you need a dose of inspiration too by clicking on the link below!

How Dawn Archer Inspires Me!

Love y'all!

Inspirationally yours,

Squeaky Moore

I don't want to be this person! (What keeps a booking talent booking) by Carol Lynn Sher

I liked this article...a good read...especially for talent who are shooting their first job on a BIG set.

What keeps a booking talent booking?

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